Dust off your space suit. | God's World News

Dust off your space suit.

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    Researchers sprayed Barbies. They used nitrogen. It got the Moon dust off! (Courtesy of Washington State University)
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    Students test the new way to dust. (Courtesy of Washington State University)
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    On the left is a dusty Barbie astronaut. The next two pictures are the doll after being cleaned. (Courtesy of Washington State University)
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    The new way to clean picks up the dust. (Courtesy of Washington State University) 
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    The Moon is is covered with dust. (Pixabay)
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Moon dust is messy.  It gets on people and tools.  It does not wipe off well.

People made space suits for dolls.  They put dust on them.  They found a way to get dust off!   

Pray: Thank God for an answer to the Moon dust problem. Thank Him that people have clever ideas to help each other.

Read More: It’s hard to dust on the Moon. Dust covers space equipment. It creeps into astronauts’ lungs. It clings to space suits. Cleaning brushes and vacuums damage suits. Researchers at Washington State University made space suits for Barbie dolls. They put dust and ash on them. They put the dolls in a vacuum chamber. They sprayed them with pressurized liquid nitrogen. It blasted away the dust! 

Jesus makes us clean from sin. “You were washed . . . in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” (1 Corinthians 6:11)