These are not just pieces of art. | God's World News

These are not just pieces of art.

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    This copper fox weather vane was in the museum. (Richard Goodbody/American Folk Art Museum via AP)
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    Weather vanes can be made in just about any shape. This is a car and driver. (Adam Reich/American Folk Art Museum via AP)
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    This “Dove of Peace” was on top of George Washington’s house. (Gavin Ashworth/ American Folk Art Museum via AP)
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    This weather vane is nearly 7 feet tall and 4 feet wide. (That’s taller than most men!) It’s in the shape of a shorebird called a curlew. (John Bigelow Taylor/American Folk Art Museum via AP)
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    This weather vane is made to look like the angel Gabriel. You can read about him in the Bible in Luke 1. (George Kamper/American Folk Art Museum via AP)
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Weather vanes once showed which way the wind blew.  Now we have the Weather Channel.

A museum in New York City showed 50 old weather vanes.  Some were wood.  Others were copper.  Each one had a story to tell.

Pray: Ask God to teach you to be curious about times past. You will learn important lessons.

Read More: The American Folk Art Museum displayed weather vanes from last June to this January. The purpose was to show how tools can be both useful and beautiful. Shipbuilders, butchers, and others often used weather vanes to advertise their businesses. Vanes could be on homes, churches, or government buildings. George Washington’s “Dove of Peace” weather vane once adorned his home, Mount Vernon. Have you spotted a weather vane recently? Psalm 77:11 says, “I will remember the deeds of the Lord.”