This was a smelly, gross war. | God's World News

This was a smelly, gross war.

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    People had a problem in part of Australia. Mice were everywhere.
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    Mice ate through this lettuce at a supermarket in Gulargambone, Australia. (Pompy Singh via AP)
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    Supermarket workers put chips in a fridge. They were trying to keep the mice from eating them. (Pompy Singh via AP)
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    A woman looks at flooding in Windsor, Australia. Australia has had droughts, fires, and floods. Now there are too many mice. (AP/Rick Rycroft)
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    No one wants mice getting into food.
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Some people in Australia fought a war this year. It was against mice, mice, and more mice.

Mice squirmed into houses and stores. They nested in sofas. They made messes. They ate through groceries. Would cold weather chase the mice away?

Read More: New South Wales, Australia, had drought, wildfires, and floods in the past three years. Crops were good this year. Then came mice. They had babies and more babies. They found shelter in homes, cars, grocery stores, and barns. Kids helped their parents trap mice. Grocery store owners locked up as much food as they could. Mice were a health hazard. They destroyed property and cost people money. Remember the plagues God sent on Egypt? Mice were not among them. But what would it be like to have frogs everywhere? Read Exodus 8:1-15.