They need to play for others. | God's World News

They need to play for others.

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    Players perform in a New York City neighborhood. (AP)
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    New Yorkers gather to listen to the players. (AP)
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    Violinists perform outside. (AP)
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    Lawrence Rock runs the sound. Anthony Roth Costanzo sings. (AP)
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    People like to listen to the players. The players like to perform for people. (AP)
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All musicians (myoo-ZIH-shens) want people to hear them play. But the virus closed most concert halls.

Players in New York gave short outdoor concerts. The NY Phil Bandwagon will return in the spring.

Read More: Do you play an instrument? Don’t you want others to hear you play? The members of New York’s Philharmonic orchestra missed playing in public. So they loaded a truck (called the Bandwagon) with lights, traffic cones, and a sound system. They stopped near schools, libraries, and parks. And they played the music they love. New Yorkers gathered to listen and enjoy. Have you heard pop-up music in your town? Psalm 98 reminds us, “With trumpets and the sound of the horn make a joyful noise before the King, the Lord!”