Condors are flying experts. | God's World News

Condors are flying experts.

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    An Andean condor soars above the Patagonian mountains in Argentina. (AP)
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    Researchers hold an Andean condor that they will tag with a GPS device and release. (AP)
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    The condor rides air currents for hours without flapping. (AP)
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    Another member of the condor family is the vulture. These live in America.
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    Seagulls catch air currents to soar near beaches too.
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Condors are almost as heavy as you. Yet God created them to glide on the air.

They flap their wings to take off. Then they just soar.


READ MORE: Andean condors live high in the Andes Mountains. They’re four feet long and weigh about 30 pounds. Their wings stretch 10 feet from tip to tip. They must fly long distances to find food. Scientists put small recorders on the backs of eight condors in Argentina. They found that the birds flap their wings to get up into the air. Then some can fly for hours without flapping. They ride on warm air. One even soared for 100 miles and did not flap! Even the birds know that in God’s hand is the life of every living thing. Read Job 12:7-10.