The test flight was a success. | God's World News

The test flight was a success.

  • Virgin20 Galactic AP20122712375897 0
    Virgin Galactic SpaceshipTwo Unity flies in the New Mexico Airspace for the first time. (AP)
  • Virgin20 Galactic AP20122712303570
    After it lands on a runway, the ship has to fold up its wings. (AP)
  • Virgin20 Galactic AP20122712392240
    The Virgin Unity glides in for a landing. (AP)
  • Virgin20 Galactic AP6180257836916326
    The spaceship Galactic had to ride on a plane when it was in the air over Earth. (Virgin Galactic)
  • Photo20 Gallery20 Farewell20 Space20 Telescope20 AP20019088651536
    The SpaceshipTwo Galactic will see the stars above Earth. (AP)
  • Virgin20 Galactic AP20122712375897 0
  • Virgin20 Galactic AP20122712303570
  • Virgin20 Galactic AP20122712392240
  • Virgin20 Galactic AP6180257836916326
  • Photo20 Gallery20 Farewell20 Space20 Telescope20 AP20019088651536


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Pilots took the VSS Unity spaceship for a spin. It blasted off the ground. It glided through the air.

The spaceship landed back on the ground. Its quick trip was great!


READ MORE: A carrier plane took the small spaceship high up into the sky. The VSS Unity glided through the clouds. It soared almost as fast as the speed of sound. What a great test flight! Virgin Galactic plans to give people quick, fun trips to space soon. What a wonderful way to see God’s creation. Psalm 148:3 says, “Praise Him, Sun and Moon, praise Him, all you shining stars!”