Take a bite! | God's World News

Take a bite!

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    A worker reaches to pick a Cosmic Crisp apple, a new variety and the first ever bred in Washington State. (AP)
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    Sagrario Ochoa carries a picking bag full of Cosmic Crisp apples to a bin in an orchard in Wapato, Washington. (AP)
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    Workers pick Cosmic Crisp apples. The grayish coating on some of the trees and apples is from kaolin clay, used to protect the fruit from sunburn. (AP)
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    Aaron Clark, vice president of Price Cold Storage, cuts into a Cosmic Crisp apple after pulling it off a tree in an orchard. (AP)
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    Kate Evans, a lead scientist at Washington State University’s Tree Fruit Research & Extension Center, tastes a slice of this new apple. (AP)
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There is a new apple in town. It has a funny name. Can you say “Cosmic Crisp”? Why is it called that?

Here is a hint: Cosmic is a word about outer space.

The red apple is crunchy and its skin is speckled. Its yellow spots look like distant stars! So it’s called a Cosmic Crisp!


READ MORE: The Cosmic Crisp is the first apple ever bred in Washington State. It is a cross between Enterprise and Honeycrisp apples. It’s a tasty apple that is safe from many diseases. Growers planted 12 million Cosmic Crisp trees! One orchard owner says, “I’ve never seen an apple prettier in the orchard than these things are.” We read in Proverbs 25:11 that good words are like golden apples. “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.”