He flew up, up, and away! | God's World News

He flew up, up, and away!

  • 1 Channel Flyer
    “Rocketman,” Franky Zapata, takes a practice flight over an airport in France. (AP)
  • 2 Channel Flyer
    French inventor Franky Zapata built this jet-powered hoverboard and used it to cross the English Channel. (AP)
  • 3 Channel Flyer
    Mr. Zapata cheers after crossing the water on his jet-powered hoverboard. (AP)
  • 4 Channel Flyer
    Inventor and hoverboard pilot Franky Zapata is a speck in the sky as he comes near the cliffs of Dover, England, at the end of his flight. (AP)
  • 5 Channel Flyer
    The 40-year-old inventor shows off his flying board. (AP)
  • 1 Channel Flyer
  • 2 Channel Flyer
  • 3 Channel Flyer
  • 4 Channel Flyer
  • 5 Channel Flyer


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A man flew over water. How did he fly without wings? He rode a hoverboard. It uses small rockets.

Mr. Z. invented the flying board. He flew from France to England on it!



READ MORE: Franky Zapata invented the FlyboardAir. Its jets are powered with kerosene (the same fuel used in some camp stoves). He steered the hoverboard with two poles and by leaning forward. The ride took Mr. Zapata only 22 minutes. His legs got tired from standing up on the jets. He landed once on a boat to fill up on fuel. Maybe one day you can ride a board like the FlyboardAir. Psalm 139:8 tells us that God is with us even if we fly up to the heavens.