Pilots race in jet suits. | God's World News

Pilots race in jet suits.

  • 1 Jet Suit
    Richard Browning and another pilot show off Jet Suits by flying over a waterway in London, England. (AP)
  • 2 Jet Suit
    Richard Browning gets ready to fly with the Jet Suit he designed and built. (AP)
  • 3 Jet Suit
    Pilots fly Jet Suits over water in England. They want to organize Jet Suit races. (AP)
  • 4 Jet Suit
    Jet Suit test pilots put on their equipment and prepare for a flight. (AP)
  • 5 Jet Suit
    Richard Browning begins a flight from a parking lot. (AP)
  • 1 Jet Suit
  • 2 Jet Suit
  • 3 Jet Suit
  • 4 Jet Suit
  • 5 Jet Suit


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Ready? Set. Go! Look at those guys fly! They zoom through the sky. But they don’t have wings. They wear rockets on their arms.

READ MORE: Three pilots showed off jet suits. They soared through the air. They flew over water. They raced around objects. Richard Browning built the world’s first jet suit. Mr. Browning wants to organize jet suit races. He plans to build jet suits that are even more powerful. Jeremiah 10:12 tells us that God built the Earth by His power. Now that’s real power!